Welcome to the North Florida Chow Chow Club !
People, who care about the welfare and good nature of this wonderful breed, have established the NFCCC . Our membership will cover Florida from Lakeland to Jacksonville and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. The NFCCC is open to all reputable chow breeders, exhibitors, pet owners, and people interested in finding out more about Chow Chows. Meetings will be held six times a year. If you are interested contact Ralph Silva at ralph.silva721@gmail.com

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Club Officers :
Ralph Silva -- President
Odalys Hayes -- Vice President
Mary Davis -- Treasurer
Mary Wuest -- Secretary
Board Members: Sherry Burroughs, Robin Goss, and Cheryl Hindle
All Photos and Graphics are Copyright©2010-2020 North Florida Chow Chow Club